But which is the best diet to lose weight fast? Well it’s
the one that works for you, the one that helps you achieve your goal of losing
that extra weight in the shortest amount of time. For many people, the low carb
diet is the one that works.
You now know what you must do, all you have to do is find
the way.
Here are the procedures you need to follow when on the low
carb diet:
The low carb diet
1. Know the facts. You can’t do something if you don’t know
how. So do research on your chosen low carb diet and don’t believe it when they
tell you that you must not eat any fruits and vegetables while on this diet,
that this kind of diet is bad for your health and that it’s a boring way of
losing weight.
The low carb diet has its advantages and disadvantages, just
like any other diet out there. As I’ve said before, it is the best diet to lose
weight, but it also contains the worst tasting foods you can eat, while trying
to shed those extra pounds. But don’t be discouraged, because there are a few
recipes that can help you mix up those boring meals. And yes, you have to try
this diet, since it was scientifically proven to help you lose weight in the
shortest amount of time.
2. Start gradually, one step at a time. While doing the
research, you can insert elements of the diet into your everyday life, so when
you eventually implement all the diet it won’t be such a shock as far as your
daily routine is concerned. For example, start by having one low carb meal a
day and work your way up from there.
The most important thing of all is that you stick to your
diet no matter what, because if you don’t, you will put on more weight than you
had before you started.
3. If you want to follow the best diet to lose weight, make
sure you pick the low carb diet that suits you the most. The are many ways you
can start to eliminate carbs from your diet.
Getting used to your new way of life
As I’ve said before, you need to ease into your new way of
life, otherwise there’s a real possibility that you might stop even before you
got started.
Getting used to your new way of lifeIf you are not sure
which kind of low carb diet to choose, I have a suggestion for you: pick the No
White Diet, because it only has one rule that you have to follow, which is that
you must not eat any white colored foods.
At this point you might think that it’s an easy diet to
follow, but think of all the white colored foods you eat on a daily basis,
things like white breads, white pasta, sugars, pastries, fries, white rice and
so on. There are a few exceptions to this rule, for example cauliflower, tofu
and white onions are low on carbs, which means that you must include them into
your diet.
When you’re on this weight loss plan it is very important
that you know the dos and don’ts. In other words, you must make a list of the
foods you’re allowed and not allowed to eat. This way you will be able to
concentrate on weight loss, without having to think about anything else.
You can also categorize the foods according to their types,
so you won’t spend precious time looking for one. Read more health and fitness articles here.
Planning is essential. Plan your days several weeks in
advance and start your diet slowly, by getting used to your new way of life one
step at a time.
And perhaps more importantly, don’t diet alone, find a
friend that also needs to lose some weight and convince him to follow the same
diet. It will be much easier if someone beside you is aiming for the same goal
you are.
More on the best diet to lose weight
At this point, you might be keen on following some kind of
low carb diet. But before you do, allow me to tell you that you need to change
your foods gradually, not all at once. When we are talking about something as
basic as what we eat on a daily basis, change will not happen all on it’s own.
You will need to be disciplined and tough on yourself, no
matter what. Your body usually converts the carbs you eat into energy and since
it won’t be getting any for a while, it will have to burn the fat you are
carrying around with you.
Carb Withdrawal
If you are the sort of person who has a high carb diet, then
the first week will be very difficult for you, since you will be going through
something called “carb withdrawal”. There are a few things you can do in order
to smoothen the road ahead, which are:
1. Eat fibers and fats. If the lack of carbohydrates left
your stomach feeling empty may I suggest foods made with flax seeds, because
they are high in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, not to mention that they will
keep your stomach busy for a long period of time. You can also have salads with
tuna or chicken, since they are a good source of protein.
More on the best diet to lose weight
2. Plan delicious meals. Even though we are talking about a
low carb diet, there’s no reason why the meals you have to eat need to be
horrible. There are so many recipes out there for a person who wants to lose
weight, that if you look hard enough you will definitively find something that
will make your taste buds explode.
3. It is highly recommended that you take time of work or
any other activity while trying to lose weight. I know that nowadays it is
difficult to life a stress-free life, but it’s something you must achieve if
you want your weight loss plan to be successful.
4. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
5. Perhaps most importantly, you need moral support, so look
for people who are going through the same thing you are, because this way you will
be able to reach your goal.
Carb Crash
This phenomenon may occur a few days after you’ve started
your low carb diet. The reason for this is that your body has used up all of
it’s glucose reserves, but it still needs time to adjust to living on protein
and fat. So if you are feeling irritable, shaky, jittery, or really tired you
will need to solve this problem by adding high quality carbs or low carb fruits
to your diet.
If the feeling has gone away, you will have to adjust your
diet for a couple of days by including a bit more carbohydrates into your
meals. You will also need to keep your potassium levels high during this period
of time.
So, if you make it through the first two weeks without
giving up, you will start to feel the benefits of the low carb diet. You will
have better mental concentration, more energy, you will be able to eat healthy,
without pigging out and you will have almost no carb cravings.
But if you made it this far, you will not think about
turning back. Right?